While teaching an ethics class to Lead Workers in Fort Worth, an unexpected gift came my way. During a discussion, a participant offered a brilliant summary of the content. I thanked him and paused to record the idea for future reference. A teacher taking notes on his student! I was able to receive this gift […]
Habit #9: Own Your Choices
Where are you? Why are you there? At the moment, I am sitting on the porch writing a blog. Why? Because I choose to be here. Tomorrow I will train employees who work for the City of Fort Worth. Why? Because I choose to do that work. In the afternoon, I will spend time with […]
Intense heat radiates as a firefighter prepares to enter a burning structure. Before entering, a set of expectations is formed. In this type of fire, what is normal? How should the room appear? How should it feel? This forethought creates a sixth-sense awareness. Anything outside of the expectations is more easily noticed and taken into […]
Clutter. It is the nightmare reality of housework and office cleanup—the beast-towers of stuff that grow until they topple, spreading the seed of new towers that then repeat the process. The outcome is a post-apocalyptic cityscape of stuff. Occasionally, circumstances require a restoration—time invested in trashing, filing and replacement. Habit #7 is to be implemented […]
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6 Don’t make me come in there. -Mom While sitting at my post outside of Starbucks, an inspirational event unfolded at the entrance. A young professional burst out the front door and took […]
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. — Jim Carrey Habit #5 focuses on double-checking. Remember: a habit is an automatic implementation of a behavior (or set of behaviors) in response to a stimulus. It is what you do when given a cue. You don’t have to think about it; it just […]
Hey! Stop messing with other stuff, and read this blog! Seriously… Focus. It is a challenge because we have become a distracted people—always juggling, seeking to be mentally present in multiple places. You can’t do it. It creates problems. Habit #4 focuses on single-tasking. Remember: a habit is an automatic implementation of a behavior (or set of […]