

For a free consultation, contact Mike at or 817-614-2397​

Training for Supervisors

Twelve-Class Series

Supervisors play a vital and challenging role in any organization. The list of competencies and characteristics can be daunting. This series of classes will help. It is based on a decade of observation and feedback from hundreds of supervisors. The first six classes focus on big picture elements of leadership. The remaining six classes focus on specific competencies. Each class is carefully crafted to be understandable and useful. When participants consider the content and participate in the discussions, they learn things that will help them succeed as a supervisor. This is an excellent series.

Following is a list of classes. Each training builds on previous ones. To get the most out of the series, participants should avoid missing any classes.

This class creates a solid foundation. Discussions will focus on the challenges of supervisory leadership and the principles that will help overcome those challenges. These principles are common themes that appear in all other classes.

Supervisory Communication poses unique challenges. One-on-one communication is hard enough, but now they must communicate with groups of people. This class builds understanding of the mechanics of communication and the behaviors that cause it to break down. Participants identify options for communication and compile helpful tips for each one.

Supervisory leadership affects both internal and external customer service. What are the expectations? How can supervisor equip employees to meet those expectations? This training will provide guidelines and tips to address these issues.

While leading employees, supervisors often wonder,
“Why would he do that? How could she think that?”
This class uses four dials of personality to build an understanding of various personalities and develop an ability to see things from multiple perspectives. Participants compile helpful tips for leading a diversity of personalities.

By the time employees come to the workplace, most have already been through decades of life-shaping experiences. Along with others of their generation, they have experienced similar things at similar ages. Each generation experiences a unique historical context. This context shapes expectations, builds strengths, and forms perspectives. An understanding of generations equips us to lead more effectively.

An ethic is a concept that many people discuss without knowing what it means. It is a powerful idea that will help participants think about values and the actions that support them. Participants create an ethic and see what could knock it down. These are concepts that every leader needs to know.

It is difficult to over-emphasize the importance of rapport in leadership. There are two components of rapport. To focus on one without the other will limit the potential of any leader. This class will equip participants to pursue both elements so that they can lead in healthy and sustainable ways.

What drives people to do good work? What motivators are external? Which are internal? How can a supervisor provide what is needed and remove what is detrimental to employee motivation? In this training, participants address all these questions and discover useful ways to build deeper investment in work.

What behaviors and situations derail employees? What things can derail an entire team? How can supervisors avoid or minimize distractions and maximize focus so that employees can be productive without feeling overly stifled or micro-managed?
In this class, participants develop awareness and discover tips that can improve the quality of work by improving focus.

Supervisors play a key role in the development of employees. The challenge is to develop a growth mindset and to set people up for success by allowing them to fail, learn, and grow. This applies to technical skills, relational skills, and character development. Employees can do more than they are currently doing. This training equips supervisors to help employees increase their knowledge and abilities.

Delegation is a primary responsibility of supervisors and a primary form of development for employees. When done poorly it is frustrating for the supervisor and overwhelming for the employee. When done properly, it provides more freedom for the supervisor and more skills (and confidence) for the employee. This class equips supervisors with mindsets and applications that will improve the effectiveness of delegation.

In this final class of the series, participants recall and discuss content from the previous eleven classes. The focus of the discussion is application and mindsets. Confident humility is encouraged as the path to effective and respectable leadership.

Training for Lead Workers (Crew Leaders)

Six-Class Series

The Lead Worker role is one of the hardest jobs in any organization. A person must know how to pay attention, think quickly, and make good decisions. This series of classes will help. When participants consider the content and participate in the discussions, they learn things that will help them succeed as Lead Workers.

Following is a list of classes. Each training builds on previous ones. To get the most out of the series, participants should avoid missing any classes.

This class creates a strong foundation. Participants learn things that will become part of every other class. Participants will discuss what makes the job difficult and discover some truths that can help them overcome those challenges.

Ethics is a word that many people use without knowing what it means. It is a powerful concept that will help participants think about what is important. In this class, participants discover how actions can support or destroy an ethic. This is stuff that every leader needs to know.

Communication is a challenge that never stops. When communication is bad, problems are going to happen. So, what can Lead Workers do to make communication better? This class will help participants understand what makes communication work and what can make it break down.

Being organized is like being a good mechanic. You need to have tools, and you need to know how to use them. This class will provide helpful tools and good instructions on when and how to use them. Participants will also address tough decisions—when doing one important thing means you are losing ground on another important thing. There is a tool for that!

Culture is everywhere—including the workplace.  When it is healthy, people enjoy being a part of it. They might even become fans of it. When it is bad, people look for a way out. This class will help participants discover what creates a culture and what Lead Workers can do to help make the workplace culture healthy.

In this final class, participants recall and discuss content from the previous classes. The focus of the discussion is application and mindsets. Confident humility is encouraged as the path to effective and respectable leadership.

Training for Frontline Employees

Six-Class Series

Customer Service makes or breaks an organization. Those who provide it should be equipped, encouraged, and appreciated. This series of classes will help. It is based on a decade of observation and feedback from hundreds of employees. Each class is carefully crafted to be understandable and useful. The organization’s branding, mission, vision, and values are incorporated into the products. When participants consider the content and participate in the discussions, they learn things that will help them succeed in the workplace. This is an excellent series.

Following is a list of classes. Each training builds on previous ones. To get the most out of the series, participants should avoid missing any classes.

What defines outstanding customer service? What are the expectations? How do employees meet needs and foster positive perceptions—while working with limited resources and high expectations? This class creates a solid foundation. Discussions will focus on the challenges of customer service and the principles that will help overcome those challenges. These principles are common themes that appear in all other classes.

Communication with customers, co-workers, and bosses is a challenge that never stops. When misunderstandings occur, the service suffers. So, what can employees do to increase the quality of communication? This class builds understanding and shares tips for improving workplace interactions.

Conflicts will happen. When they do, it is helpful to keep tensions low and move toward resolution. There are ways to serve through conflict that protect the reputation of the organization while creating good impressions with those who observe. While encouraging a solutions-based mindset that honors the customer service bottom line, this class combines communication skills with an understanding of productive empathy and de-escalation skills.

“Why would he do that? How could she think that?” Employees serve and work alongside people with diverse personalities. Each employee has their own personality to add to the mix. This class uses Four Dials to build a better understanding of this challenge. In the understanding, there is good news. This content can guide service, improve communication, and inform the approach to conflict resolution.

Where did they come from? Employees serve and work alongside people with diverse experiences. Each employee has their own experiences to add to this mix. This class is helpful because it creates a broader understanding of how experiences shape behaviors and expectations. This awareness can guide service, improve communication, and inform the approach to conflict resolution.

In this final class, participants recall and discuss content from the previous classes. The focus of the discussion is application and mindsets. Participants are challenged to honor the bottom line by pursuing effective communication and conflict resolution that are guided by an understanding of personalities and generations. Confident humility is encouraged as the path to effective and respectable service.


Core Values are valuable because they guide how we do things. How do we provide service? How do we design products? How do we deal with difficult situations? How do we use resources?
Core Values provide a way for all employees to make decisions that honor the organization. This creates a cohesive approach to work that can be felt internally and experienced externally. Core Values are powerful.
We provide customizable resources that instill your organization’s Core Values in each employee. Over the past 15 years we have partnered with organizations to provide Core Values training to thousands of employees.

Here is a process to consider.
If Core Values are already in place, a common approach is to work with us to design a product that effectively communicates the values. We make it easy for you to provide input and then we get to work creating a great curriculum package. A common next step is to schedule classes that ensure every employee experiences the event. Then, on an ongoing basis, it is common to make the event a part of the on-boarding process.
If Core Values are not in place, we can help you compile a set of values that will accurately reflect the priorities and the culture of your organization.
The pricing for development depends on the needs of your organization.
The pricing for facilitation of classes is $1,499.00 per 2-hour block.


Big Presentations in Small Rooms

Single Class

A 2-hour training that covers the vital elements of creation, preparation and delivery of big presentations in small rooms.

Whether you are presenting a simple update, introducing a new idea, selling a product, requesting additional resources, or lobbying for a top position, Big Presentations in Small Rooms will equip you to stand and speak with well-prepared, well-practiced confidence.


A Mini-Retreat

Highly engaging and eye-opening, this event uses effective discussions to build a deeper understanding and appreciation of the experiences and personalities of each participant. Activities serve as illustrations that equip participants to think wisely about communication and the roles and responsibilities of each person involved in it.

COMMUNICATION: Roles & Responsibilities

Single Class

Why do so many meetings end in frustration?
What is the difference between the perception of supervisors and the perception of front-line workers when thinking about communication?
How do simple things get so complicated?
This class offers hope and instruction that addresses these issues and provides a way to better communication and less stress for everyone involved.

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS: How do I stay organized?

Single Class

How can I get this done by the deadline?
How can I make the most of limited resources?
How can I leverage the unique people on my team?
How can you do all this and stay healthy?
If these questions look familiar, then you will benefit from this experience. This class will discuss organizational mindsets and practices that focus on time, resources, people, and health. You will discover that you are not alone in these challenges, and there are tools to help you make the most of what you have.


Single Class

“Why would he do that?”
“How could she think that?”
Many things shape and drive us. Personality is one of the most powerful. In this class, we acknowledge various personalities, develop an ability to see things from multiple perspectives, and discover helpful tips. This knowledge will help us be wise as we work in a diverse environment and provide service to a diverse community.

Seasonal Worker Video Curriculum, $1,499.00

Single Class

Looking for an engaging and effective way to train your seasonal workers? Our Seasonal Worker Video Curriculum is the solution you’ve been looking for. This 25-minute video training experience is designed to address important topics such as customer service, workplace expectations, workplace ethics, and behaviors that support a healthy workplace.
The video is co-hosted by nationally syndicated radio producer Paul Gibson and author/facilitator Mike Gibson, whose combined work has reached thousands of listeners and participants across the country. And the best part? It can be customized with your branding and can feature images and/or videos from your organization, making it even more relevant and engaging for your seasonal workforce.
In addition to the video, the package also includes an editable PowerPoint with space for announcements and an after-video quiz for use by the host. A Participant Guide is also included, which allows participants to take notes during the presentation, helping them to retain the valuable information provided.
Investing in our Seasonal Worker Video Curriculum for just $1,499.00 will ensure that your seasonal workforce is trained to meet the highest standards of customer service, workplace ethics, and professionalism. Contact us today to learn more and get started!


Sessions for individual organizations (in-house conferences) and national/regional organizations (HR conferences).
If you are looking for topics other than those listed, let’s talk. You might inspire an addition to the list.


This session is designed to be customized with your organization’s guiding statements and principles (Mission, Vision, Values, etc.) The title can be customized to fit your theme or slogan.

This interactive session focuses on the power of perceptions, the importance of determination, and the hope found in a growth mindset. 

It is crafted to fit a 40-to-60-minute time slot.


This session is designed to be customized with your organization’s guiding statements and principles (Mission, Vision, Values, etc.)

Every day we face a multitude of choices.

How can we function in ways that meet needs while making the organization look good? 

This learning experience uses The Tree as an illustration of three elements that guide healthy and sustainable service. 

 It is crafted to fit a 40-to-60-minute time slot.


Many things shape and drive us. Personality is one of the most powerful. 

In this session, we acknowledge various personalities, and develop an ability to see things from multiple perspectives. 

It is crafted to fit a 40-to-60-minute time slot.


This session delivers organizational mindsets and practices that focus on time, resources, and people. You will discover that you are not alone in these challenges, and there are tools to help you make the most of what you have. 

It is crafted to fit a 40-to-60-minute time slot.

BIG PRESENTATION SERIES: Training for Those Who Deliver Presentations

Thirteen-Class Series

Presentation skills are often required and seldom taught. That leaves many great employees at a disadvantage. Their work is respected so their voice is requested. Unfortunately, the ability to talk about work is not the same as doing that work. It involves a new skill set. One that was not a part of the education and experience that got them to this point. That dilemma is the inspiration for this series. Participants will learn to present in small-room situations in ways that are as impressive as the reputation that got them there. Those who invest in these classes will learn to design, develop, and deliver effective and impressive presentations.

In this introductory experience, we will build a sturdy framework for all other concepts. Concepts like The Mantra and The Process will provide the foundation. Participants will get a peak behind the curtains of an excellent presentation to see the planning and work involved in the final product. To get a quick start on presentation practice, participants will learn the PREP approach to impromptu presentations.

Big Presentations occur in a specific time and place-for a specific reason. In this experience, participants will learn the importance of respecting each of these elements. They will be equipped to ask effective questions so that their presentation is a perfect fit for the setting, the clock, and the desired outcome.

Your audience is made up of unique individuals who will hear your message in unique ways. This is a fascinating challenge. How do we connect with each audience member? One way is to know the roles and responsibilities of each attendee. When you know what their jobs are, you can predict what content will be most important to them and what questions they will be thinking about.

Your audience is made up of unique individuals who will hear your message in unique ways. This is a fascinating challenge. How do we connect with each audience member? One way is to know the personalities and experiences of each attendee. When you know how they make decisions and where they focus their attention, you can craft your message to speak to them in powerful ways. When you know what they have experienced, you can use that knowledge to make stronger connections with them.

One of the biggest struggles is to know what to say and what to leave out. This experience will equip participants to be both open and careful, to brainstorm and to filter. The result will be a set of information that fits both the time and the purpose of the presentations.

What do you do with your carefully curated content? What should come at the beginning, middle, and end? Is organization a one-size-fits all proposition or do we have options? And if there are choices, which one is best for my current project? These are the questions answered in this valuable experience.

PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, whiteboards, flipcharts, and object lessons are among the options available to use for visual elements. Or you could choose none of the above. What is the best option for your presentation? This experience provides guidelines for making the choice and tips for making the best use of whatever option you choose.

Does it matter how you dress? How you stand? How you gesture? Should you walk around or plant your feet? In this class we will consider the most appropriate presence for each presentation and how to develop the ability to adapt as needed.

The way you sound will affect your success. Thankfully, there are things you can do to create a powerful impact with your voice. In this experience, participants will discover principles and pro-tips that will help them sound good in each unique setting. Your voice is under your control, and you can use it to guide your listeners toward the goal.

What can you do before a presentation that makes it easier for participants to hear you during the presentation? What can you do to build support before the official pitch is made? You can prepare your audience. What can you do to ensure that the content is easily retrievable, and your gestures are natural during your presentation? You can prepare yourself. This experience will provide guidance to both challenges.

Can you prepare for impromptu presentations? The answer might surprise you. In this experience, participants will discover ways to predict opportunities and to be ready when they arrive.

Does an opportunity end when the presentation does? Or are there other ways to extend the influence of that presentation? What should we do if we are not satisfied with the outcome? What should we do if we feel like it went perfectly? Both answers have the same answer: learn from the process. In this experience, participants learn options for follow-up and will be encouraged to embrace a growth mindset.

This session is a review, application, and celebration of lessons learned and successes experienced. Participants will be impressed with their own ability to recall and apply the previous twelve lessons as they share mini-presentations regarding that content.


Big Presentations in Small Rooms helps ordinary people communicate with extraordinary effectiveness.