Wellness classes. They are a new passion. Actually, it is a new name for an old passion.
What is wellness?
Wellness is the pursuit of a healthy and meaningful life. Wellness classes provide information that helps in this pursuit!
For the past 30 years, my work has involved teaching and training. My favorite topics are those that can support wellness. I love to provide information that can lead to better choices. I like to help students connect the dots between causes and effects. I love to create settings in which life-changing conversations can thrive.
Wellness is a natural fit for me. So, I am adding wellness classes to my catalog.
In my classes, the emphasis is on family relationships and healthy mindsets. Topics include things like Parenting Teenagers, Caring for Aging Parents, and The Evolution of a Child’s Emotional Development.
Does your business have a wellness program? I would love to learn more about it! If it does not,
I would love to help establish one!
You can browse our catalog and schedule a training.