Introducing Book QD

Books make me smile. My stack of current books is usually 8 to 16 books tall. I read till I lose focus. Then I switch to a different book. It takes a while for me to finish one, but the content seems to stick with me longer when I do it this way. When I am sitting on the porch at the coffee shop, it is common that someone will pause by my table and ask me about one or more of the books. These conversations are so much fun! So, I wanted to share those conversations on a bigger scale. That is why MRG Presentations is proud to present Book QD!
This is going to be great! Book QD is a new series of events that focus on books that can help us at home, at work, and in our volunteering. Book QD: The Q is for quotes. We will focus on quotes that capture the essence of the book. D is for discussion. You will experience engaging discussions regarding the application of the quotes. This is an opportunity to learn new things and meet new people. You can network regarding business or non-profit opportunities, or you can simply look forward to meeting new friends who love learning and love applying what they learn. There will be deep thoughts, laughter and access to great coffee! Come join us!